The Liberty Memorial
Marsha Burks Megehee
Courage, Honor, Patriotism, Sacrifice
The Great War forever cased in stone
Towering remembrance of heroes deeds
Carved Sphinxes whisper, Catigny, Belleau Wood, Argonne,
Of Memory and Future, the War to End All Wars
Long silent guns kept the Kaiser from the Marne
Doughboys, sailors, sons of freedom rest in peace
A peace you sought for generations yet unborn
In its heartland this colossus-a Nation's gratitude
'Tis you the soldier we honor with its spire
You paid our time-worn debt to General Lafayette
Who led our young Republic into Freedom's Fire
General "Black Jack'" Pershing led you "Over There"
The Yanks were coming, Britain, Belgium, Italy, France
Defending freedom with your lives and faith in God
Prayers in foxholes, letters home, a French romance
Though you lie beneath white crosses far from home
Or now rest among your loved ones held so dear
Your legacy to freedom shall forever live
In this Liberty Memorial we rededicate here.